Unexpected Delirium
The Football Kickback
The Monday Kickback, Episode 1

The Monday Kickback, Episode 1

Join Sam Whyte and myself on a tour of death, the Premier League, and the education system.

Well, here we all are. Welcome to the first Monday Kickback, in which Sam and I chew over the weekend’s football. There’s Liverpool and Arsenal both losing, Manchester United being terrible, Spurs spursing and some Pre-Chelseal Tension for our resident Evertonian.

There’s plenty in this first hour and ten minutes, but bear with us, listener; because this is very much a work in progress, we’re going to take the last few weeks of this season to get our bearings, discover our poise and find the right balance to continue to offer something slightly different to what you’ll find elsewhere.

At some point, I need to introduce the alien that only I can hear, too. His name is Mr Crackles.

Unexpected Delirium
The Football Kickback
A weekly podcast called the Football Kickback in which Ian King and Sam Whyte deep dive on different aspects of the football weekend. Well, briefly.